5 Tips for Designing a Great Home Office

5 Tips For Designing A Great Home Office

A home office is a dedicated space where people are able to work remotely, run their businesses from home, kickstart a passion project, or simply pay their bills and do paperwork. No matter what your home office area is used for, it should reflect the design and comfort of the rest of your home. Having a beautiful and functional home office workspace will make your home office a place you’ll want to be in! In this article, we’ll cover five tips for designing your home office.

Create an Accent Wall

Covering your entire room with wallpaper is not everyone’s idea of a beautiful home office. Luckily, you can still make a big statement by creating an accent wall in your home office. An accent wall can be created using either a bold paint colour or a patterned wallpaper. Complete the look with a stylish accent table, daybed and floor lamp.

Pain The Walls A Colour You Love

When it comes to painting your home office, you need a colour that will get the gears going and help keep you laser focused. Consider going with a bright and cheery colour like orange or lime green. For those who want a calmer shade, greens and seafoam blues are a great option. Different colour choices can affect your mood in unique ways, which is why it’s importan to do your research on colours beforehand.

Adjust Your Lighting

You can reduce eye strain and headaches by ensuring your home office has plenty of light. Position your computer monitor so that there’s no glare from overhead lights or windows and place a small lamp at your desk for lighting when you’re working on tasks.

Pay Attention to Your Decor

It’s always a good idea to consider the decor of your home office. Making your home office feel cozier and more inviting can help your productivity skyrocket. For example, you can use a pretty mug as a pencil holder, get trendy notepads, sticky notes and use a decorative waste basket. Go a step further by adding inspirational wall prints or framed artwork your kids made.

Repurpose an Old Desk

Have an old desk sitting in storage collecting dust or a nice yard sale find? You can turn your “junk” into treasure by adding a fresh coat of paint to the piece. This simple do-it-yourself project will instantly upgrade your space.

Thinking about redesigning your home office? Before picking up a paint brush and going to town, review the tips outlined above. They’ll help turn any boring office space into one that’s stylish and functional.